I said yes to God’s call on my life when I was only ten years old. I was sitting on the cement floor of our house in Klipspruit West, Johannesburg, reading a missions story. At the end of the story, there was a hymn that I knew very well. It was "Take my life and let it be" by Frances Ridley Havergal.
I started singing it and as I sang, I felt deeply moved and started to weep. I knew that I meant every word that sang. That day I consecrated my hands, my feet, my heart and my whole being to Christ. It was the start of my great adventure with Jesus.
I love the story of Peter's calling in Luke 5:1-11. This is because I identify so much with Peter's impulsive nature, and also, it reflects my experience in following Jesus. He is always calling me to "come in a litter deeper," or to "throw your nets on the other side." My first response is normally with great fear and trepidation "Go away from me Lord, I am too unworthy." I am so thankful that
Jesus does not always take my first response, but always assures me of his presence and provision. This assurance gives me the courage to take each step of faith as directed by the Holy Spirit.
This website and blog is just one more occasion of me stepping out in faith, going a little deeper and trying something new. I desire to tell as many people as possible about the love of Christ. I want to be faithful to the commitment I made to Jesus when I was a ten-year-old little girl in Klipsruit West.
I believe the call to go deeper applies to all believers and this is my intention and passion: To teach the love of Christ to all people and to call believers to venture deeper in their faith so that they can become agents of God's love, reconciliation and restoration in the world.
What you will find in this blog will be devotional thoughts, encouragement and resources to help you grow in your faith and equip you to represent Christ to the world.
However, I must confess that I am still figuring out how I can best serve Christ on this platform. Would you help me by providing some suggestions? What faith challenges would you like to discuss or learn about? Are there questions from the Bible that you would like answered? What topics would be most helpful for your spiritual growth? Let me know in the comments below. I am so excited to see how God will use this ministry to love on and nourish his family.